
Sleep Philosophy

Sleep counseling means more to me than just giving advice on improving sleep. It’s a holistic approach aimed at understanding individual sleep problems and finding long-term solutions. Here’s how I proceed and what matters to me in our collaboration

My philosophy on sleep

It is important to me that our work together takes into account your individual family situation and values and the individual nature of your child. The bottom line is that you as a parent are happy with your individual sleep schedule so that it works for your child.

My personal belief is that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children.A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.

As a sleep consultant, my approach is centered around creating personalized sleep plans tailored to each family’s unique situation and needs. I start by gathering detailed information about the child’s sleep patterns, daily routines, environment, and any specific challenges or concerns you may have.

From there, I work collaboratively with you as the parents to develop strategies and techniques that promote healthy sleep habits while considering factors such as the child’s age, temperament, and developmental stage. This might involve establishing consistent bedtime and nap routines, creating a conducive sleep environment, implementing gentle sleep training methods, and addressing any underlying issues that may be affecting sleep, such as teething or separation anxiety.

Throughout the process, I provide guidance, support, and encouragement to empower parents and help them feel confident in implementing the sleep plan. I also offer ongoing support and adjustments as needed to ensure continued progress and success.

Ultimately, my goal is to help families achieve restful nights and happier, healthier sleep patterns for everyone involved.

I'll give you honest information about WHY sleep is so important for your child's well-being.

This will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child’s sleep habits.

I'll lay out an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that lets you make some choices about what is the right approach for your child and family.

All children are different, and nobody knows your child better than you do. I encourage you to use your knowledge of your child to customize his or her sleep plan

I'll guide you through the process personally and help you on the way. I'll show you how to measure success.

No, you shouldn’t except your child to sleep 12 uninterrupted hours on the first night – although it does happen! I’ll tell you what you should except alone the way…

I'll give you honest information about WHY sleep is so important for your child's well-being.

This will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child’s sleep habits.

I'll lay out an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that lets you make some choices about what is the right approach for your child and family.

All children are different, and nobody knows your child better than you do. I encourage you to use your knowledge of your child to customize his or her sleep plan

I'll guide you through the process personally and help you on the way. I'll show you how to measure success.

No, you shouldn’t except your child to sleep 12 uninterrupted hours on the first night – although it does happen! I’ll tell you what you should except alone the way…

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