
Frequently asked questions

Dive into your common queries, Insights for better sleep

No matter how old your child is, it’s never too late to make a change. In the same way, it’s never too early to establish sleeping habits and lay a solid foundation for the future.

Yes, absolutely. We can talk about establishing good sleeping habits during your pregnancy. Book a free introductory call and we can discuss your situation in more detail. This also applies if you have a sibling on the way. Use your pregnancy to learn tips and tricks in peace and quiet. When the child arrives, we can then work together and build on what we have learned.

Yes, I am very happy to support you if you have multiples. As I have found that parents of multiples are always asked to pay more, almost no matter what, I would like to support parents of twins or multiples and therefore do not charge extra for my advice

That is absolutely no problem. You explain your individual situation to me in a free introductory consultation. Either the sleep problems of the siblings will be solved in parallel or one after the other. I charge 30 % of the basic price of the respective consultation for the additional work involved.

Absolutely, if you want to continue breastfeeding you are welcome to do so. I will support you! The program is more than suitable for both breastfed and bottle-fed babies

Absolutely, I am happy to help and support you with this.

Absolutely not, I neither work according to this method nor do I advocate it!!

I am often asked if the children will cry. I am honest and say most likely yes. We will make changes to your current behaviors. Changes often lead to skepticism and possibly protest among all of us – even adults. It’s no different with babies. They will wonder why the situation is suddenly different from before and react accordingly. However, I promise you that you will never leave your child alone if you don’t feel comfortable with it. And that the baby can always be sure that you are close by.

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